Saturday, June 21, 2008

I'm moving

Okay... after some thinking... I have decided to move my blog to Wordpress. It just has the features that I want right now... so!

If you still want to read what I write... and I will update after I finish my Wordpress blogs look. Click on the title of this entry. It will take you there. And for people who just want to know what it is. The URL is "". I will most definately update there more than ever. If needed though. I will just update here and import the entries to wordpress until the time is right. So... stay tuned either here or there. 

"Stay Zen."

-SA (SerenadedAbyss)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Originally uploaded by
This is my latest work with Terragen... and will probably be my last for a while. Just so much has happened within these past few weeks... I don't know if I can keep up anymore... anyway... enjoy it.

There might not be a blog entry for a while... I'm not sure. We will have to see... so until the next post...

Stay Zen...

-SA (SerenadedAbyss)

P.S: I dedicate this new picture to my friend Gary... I hope you love it. Thanks for helping me out.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Feeling much better now...

Yes as the title states. I am feeling much better and I trying to get back to the way I was before last week...

I'm going to scale back my experiment and not mess with Mac... at least for now. I will eventually I just don't have the money. So... I guess I should tell my readers that I have changed my mind about Safari... I have to say that Safari for Windows is quite laptop friendly display wise. And they have fixed the rendering issues for the most part... I don't like the built-in rss feeds feature. Or at least the way its implemented... But that is just my opinion. By the way have been using Zenwalk Linux all day today. I feel more calm when I'm using it compared to Windows... I don't know why.

Though I can't wait until they release a new version... the default install of Zenwalk 5.0 doesn't work with my sound correctly. But the wifi works perfectly. Though I broke it after upgrading my kernel (Which afterwards my sound started working... weird eh?)

And now I have four gigs of music on this laptops harddrive now... but its all on the Windows partition... Not a problem for Zenwalk. I just make it mount the Windows NTFS partition during boot and then I go to the music folder and add it to the music program in Linux and bam! All my music is ready for me in Linux.

... I'm going to stop this blog post before I get carried away. Stay tuned... for the next blog post... Until then...

Stay Zen.

-SA (SerenadedAbyss)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Ugh.... what the hell? Change?

Ugh... I don't feel fine at all right now emotionally... I need to get my priorities straight...

But I don't know what to do... just so far... this I don't know... with the way things are going... I don't know if I will be able to get out of this mood... 

I have lost interest in everything at once... ugh... and I think that I will change my experiment a bit... and hold it off for quite a while until... the time is right... when... I don't know. But I do know that I will do it... I'm still mulling it over... because.... I'm out of ideas...

I don't know if I will even continue this blog... I just don't know I'm soo confused... and sad... and I don't know... 

I guess I will have to see what happens later this week... because this week so far... has sucked... and for the most part...tuesday was waaay too eventful for me... and I am surprised that I didn't crack under all that has happened... I guess I'm stronger than I thought. Though... I don't know what I'm going to do...

I'm done for now... if anything else arises... catch it on Twitter. ( Because that is were I'm most likely to post it... because its easier.

I'm outta here... and hopefully the rest of my week will be better.

Stay zen my readers... if there are any... 

-SA (SerenadedAbyss)

Monday, May 5, 2008

Time for an Experiment

I know that I haven't really voiced my opinion about OS (Operating System) usage on this blog... but to be honest that because I really can't decide.

I would rather like to try them all and see if any of them suite me... To be honest... I have tried Linux. Just Ubuntu, Zenwalk Linux, DSL (Damn Small Linux), Puppy Linux, SuSe 10.1, Fedora Core 6, Red Hat Linux... I think that thats all of them so far. And I have to say... its different and I like them for that. But I keep reverting to Windows for some things... and for right now the only thing that is making stick to Windows is mmorpgs because none of the ones I play work in WINE. But anyway.... to get to what I want to write about today....

As with OS choice in my life I have been also has the problem with using just one browser. I first used IE (Internet Explorer) ... but that was in my middle to early high school years. And to be honest I am worried more with rendering accuracy and speed then compatibility with the OS. And so I have used Firefox for years but then I found Opera and it really surprised me and works quite well though... its speed proclaims really depend on your connection so whatever. But then.. about a year ago... I introduced myself to Mac and OS X a little... after a Apple store opened up at a local mall. And I have to say that it fascinates me and I have to say that I don't like Itunes or Safari that well... mostly because Itunes to me is a kludge. And doesn't meet my demands as a user... but I have seriously of late been thinking of buying a mac either a mac mini or a macbook... just because I like to test and experiment... 

Now upon my mention of the word "experiment" I will finally get to the point. I as of today messed with Flyakite OS X since I like generally like the theme that OS X carries. I have decided that if I can use Safari on Windows for entire week without switching back to my old roots of browsing. Then I will stick with it. If I an survive that. I will then progress another step up and use Linux for a week straight. And if I survive that then I will use that more. I will then see if I can try and get a mac sometime soon. And use that for an entire month. Now I do realize that overall my experimentation is expensive and time consuming and I don't have enough money for a macbook let alone a mac mini. But I will probably just split this experiment up into sections to make it easier on me and my current situation.

I think that I have written enough for now so I'm going to wrap this post up and if anyone has any suggestions or questions please leave a comment.

So until the next post...

Stay Zen. 

- SA (SerenadedAbyss)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

About my new blog schedule...

I haven't quite got used to it yet... so I haven't done what I said I would... but never fear... I will get the hang of this schedule... especially in the summer... since I won't have to worry about school...

Except a long blog post sometime soon. Until then.

Stay Zen readers.

-SA (SerenadedAbyss)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Monday is...

My new blog post day... so... expect a new blog post every monday... or tuesday... so yeah...

Expect one tomorrow that I had planned before this one.. but I had some distractions so...yeah.. enough... peace...

"Stay Zen"

-SA (SerenadedAbyss)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Distant Tunnel Gaze

Distant tunnel gaze
Originally uploaded by serenadedabyss

I was listening to a song with the Rabbit Hole visualization on and the song I was listening to had hit a slow paced part.. I was enjoying the lack of extreme color soo much that I decided to take a screen capture of it.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Endless Neon Vortex

Endless Neon Vortex
Originally uploaded by serenadedabyss

I was watching visualizations while listening to music...more importantly "The Rabbit Hole" visualization (That visualization is featured in the blog post before this one.) while listening to the song: Beyond Good and Evil - Frame of Mind by SGX.

I saw this and I had the impulse to take a screen capture of it... and now I have the picture titled "Endless Neon Vortex".

Xmplay Visualization Test

I have been using the music player XMplay for the longest time... and I have found a visualization for this player that is the best that I have ever seen. It is quite far the best for just about any music from Trance... which it really shows its true power to rock music...

I loved it so much that I recorded a video of it... and here it is.

*The song I used while recording was Asyura Bamba by the artist m1dy*

Please note that the volume might be a bit loud so please turn down your volume before you play it.

Also the song that I picked was not the best song to use for it... but I kinda wanted to get this out there.

If you want to try out this nice player yourself go over to and either link there will lead you to the download file. And also just to let you portable app lovers. It doesn't leave anything in the registry and is really small just about a meg or smaller with the default unzip. And you can use it to access icecast, shoutcast and other types of streams. Its just an all around great media player.

Of course it does not have some feature like cross fading but that is a small set back for how good and solid it is. I have been using it for years now and I always revert to it because its small and gets the job done.

Alright... I'm done for now... I will blog a lot more often now... I just feel like I have more to say now... alright... to all my readers... if there are any...

Stay zen.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Its Valentines Day.... this sucks...

Thats right.. its valentines day... for me this day is going to suck... why?

Because I don't have anyone to share it with... no girlfriend what so ever... so I will be all alone.. again... for another year. I don't feel like writing a lot right now.. so I will end this by saying that I am now following twelve people on twitter.. and I am being followed by five people... a slight improvement I guess.. but not much of one...

To all who read my blog... happy valentines day... mine sucks...

-SA (SerenadedAbyss)

Now playing: 30 Seconds to Mars - From Yesterday

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Its... a new year?

Yes thats right.. the year of 2007 is long gone now.. and its now 2008... funny thing how people say that the next year is going to be different.. but then realize.. that not much changes.. because the expect it to change for them...

And don't recognize that they have to make it change.. other wise they are in an eternal rut... and eventually.. the cycle continues...

Anyway... I have started another semester of college and its interesting... I have met up with my friends but I can't hang out with them because I only have class on two days out of the week... and I find it saddening.. but I guess its for the best. They are fun.. but now I can relax if I want to. And even take a nap even though that doesn't happen. I have been online more.. but I have been blogging less even though I don't blog that much to begin with. I still haven't found anyone... and I am quite sad about that I feel like I have so much to give to my future relationships.. but I haven't been able to start a new one.
Another year and I am still frustrated... my cycle continues...

But on the plus side. I have signed up on!

I actually enjoy more than Facebook because its much more simpler. Of course I don't know any friends that have an Twitter account but I could make friends. I am already following eight people and I am being followed by three so who knows I might make some new friends. I like Twitter so much that I integrated it into my account... its also on my account too. Weird... but none the less.. so now I can have more coverage with Twitter now. Its all over my sites that I frequent now... well at least the social sites. I also have signed up on Yes I know some people hate it.. but its an overall decent site. It have acquired some information I would have otherwise never know about. I even helped out a friend of mine because he got banned from Facebook because he is home schooled so he blogged about it and put a link on Digg and so I dugged it for him. It can help people a lot... apparently.

But I digress... *sigh* I don't know what else this year has in store for me... maybe I will die.. who knows.. or maybe I will finally get a job. But I will take it all in one day at a time. So here is me wishing all who read this blog an awesome year.

Stay Zen.

~SA (SerenadedAbyss)

P.S.: I will work on my writing style so it doesn't look like my entries are nothing but random thoughts slapped together.